
Showing posts from October, 2021

CCR Blog



A couple days ago my team and I finished our commercial. I really enjoyed the whole process of this project. We were all satisfied with how to the video came out. I would definitely work with the same group again. Everyone put in equal effort and did their work. Regardless of the troubles we had, we figured it out and had a lot of fun. I'm happy I got to work with my choice of people. I think for my first time doing a project like this is came out pretty well. My team members as I were all happy with the outcome of this video and hope everyone else enjoys it. Thank you for following my journey with this project!

Second Editing Blog

 Today in class I sat down and we all watched the commercial. I realized that the commercial was 5 seconds too short. The goal time was for it to be 30 seconds long. We had to fit all aspects of our commercial in 30 seconds. From our edits and storyboard. I had to go back onto my phone to find an extra scene to squeeze in the video. I had a tough time finding a clip that could add to the commercial and looked like it belonged there. Charlie edited the extra scene to fit the aesthetic of the rest of the video. First we chose music for the video but after watching it a few times Wren and I didn't think it went along with the video. I found some Nike commercials on youtube and watched them to see what kind of music went with the theme. We all decided to change it. I spent a while looking through songs. We then found a perfect existing music choice. The song went perfectly with the clip transitions and just fit the video. We purposely chose this song to go with the bulk of the video. W

Editing Blog

 Today my team and I edited our commercial. I'm not the best at editing. This was my first time trying to edit, and experiencing something like this. My teammate Charlie did most of the editing on his computer. Wren, Nick and I sent Charlie all the files we had. My teammates and I all viewed the footage today in class. We followed the storyboard and put the clip of the shoes rising to the ball in the first scene. This shot of our actor was a full panorama. My team and I ending up deciding to slow the next clip down of the football being thrown to keep matching our storyboard. After Wren and I shot this scene multiple times it was difficult picking out the best clips. After we were done editing the first half of our commercial, we did a zoom in on the ball so the screen would go black. This was the transition into the volleyball scenes. My group used the same concept as the football scene. The clip rose from the players shoes to the nike apparel (knee pads in this case) and then the

Second Filming Blog

 Today, on the second day of filming, my team and I made out way to the gym. At first we ran into some trouble because there was a class in the gym. The gym teacher told us we could use the gym as soon as they left. We walked around looking for a different pace to film so we wouldn't wasted any time. We ended up waiting it out and as soon as the B lunch bell rang the class left. I found a volleyball for Wren and we started filming. I was the one that filmed Wren's half of the commercial. First, I filmed wren holding the volleyball in her hands at an angle where you could also see her knee pads. I had a bit of an issue trying to get the right angle of Wren hitting the ball. I had to take multiple shots. Charlie and Nick helped me figure out how I could get both the use of the nike knee pads and Wren hitting the ball in the video. I had to sit on my knees so that it was at the right angle. Nick and Charlie were throwing the balls to Wren so she could hit it and I could film. Afte

Filming blog

 Today my team and I went out to the track to start filming. Wren and I filmed the first half of our commercial so Charlie and Nick could throw the football. Nick was our actor for the first half so he wore all nike. Nick had a nike headband, shirt, shorts, and shoes. We stuck to our story board and it was fairly easy to film. Wren and I had difficulty filming one clip where we had to get a close up of the football being thrown in slow motion. Other than that, it was easy to film and we had a lot of fun. I started with a close up of nick's nike shows and slowed moved up to show his nike shorts and t-shirt. I moved the camera up to show nick holding the football. In the next clip he then threw it. I was able to get about two clips of the football clearly and I think it turned out pretty good. Charlie was on the other side catching the football and then throwing it back to Nick even though he wasn't in the video. It ended with nick holding the football and going in close to the f